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Projects Logistics 1Handling project cargo, like power generation plants, steel mill construction…,needs a special care, expertise and big attention, and we can help you to move your complex shipments everywhere in the world and ensure safe and timely delivery.

IPOL success in handling project is bases on her expertise, global network efficient partners, extensive and dedicated on site project staff.

- We have a strong project background mainly handling the leading energy companies ;

- 15 years in heavy/ out of gauge transportation ;

- Special solutions to specific heavy cargo delivery…;

- We are Involved in project handling in Algeria, Turkey, Iraq (Bismayah city project & Erbil downtown…) and Europe ;

- Project financing, engineering, road surveying.




Projects Logistics 2-  We do realize that out of the box thinking is required in order to create and implement effective solutions, by preparing a customized transportation plan to provide our customers the best possible service at a reasonable cost, while maintaining the highest efficiency and safety standards ;

- Expert team help to customer ;

- The best service to Algerian market ;

- The best service to Iraq and Middle East market ; 

For more informations or requests please contact us